Today in Austin, United States

Generally clear. Low 71F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.

Partly cloudy skies. High around 90F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.

This weather data was last updated 2024-05-18 13:37:36.


M Clear


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  • Tuesday night M Cloudy
  • Wednesday PM T-Storms
  • Wednesday night T-Storms
  • Thursday PM T-Storms

Austin Weather

Austin city is the capital city of the state of Texas, United States. The city is densely populated and is one of the fastest growing in the United States. The city was recently in the weather news due to the draught that hit it for eleven months and had a major impact on the lives of people of the state. Rainfall records that were observed during that period were the lowest ever recorded in the city. The October 2010-September 2011 dry spell was attributed to the cooling of ocean water from the Pacific Ocean. Weather in Austin city though is not always dry as it happened in those eleven months. Its summers though hot also happen to be the wet and humid. Precipitation averages are 32 inches in twelve months.

Summer Season In Austin City

The summer season here starts during the month of May and runs till late September. Weather in Austin during this period can be described as both hot and wet. High temperatures are observed here for most of the summer days .Thermometer readings give an average of 32 degree Celsius. July and august are the warmest months of the season. Temperatures during these months are in the range of 34 degree-36 degree Celsius. It does not get extremely hot though as the readings rarely exceed 37 degree Celsius. 44 degree Celsius in September 2000 is the hottest the city has ever experienced.

Other than being hot, weather in Austin during the summer is also quite wet. The rain is sometimes accompanied by violent thunderstorms. Moderate rainfall proceeds into the summer from the spring, which is the wettest season. Humidity is generally high with July recording the highest levels of humidity. The season also enjoys great sunshine as a clear sky is seen in most summer days. Cloud cover is recorded is less during this season, settling at only 12%. Summer in Austin receives the longest day with 14 hours of daylight. The sun rises as early as 6:30 in the morning and sets at around 8:30 in the evening during this day. A gentle breeze blows through the city for most of the summer with average wind speed of 4m/s.

Weather Conditions In Austin During The Winter Season

Winter in the city can generally be described as mild and dry. The month of November and January are the driest months in Austin. Only light rainfall is observed in the month of February. Cloudy weather is experienced most of the winter days with the sky being overcast. Shorter days are experienced in the month of December. The shortest day experiences roughly 10 hours of daylight. During this day, the sunrise appears late and sunset occurs as early as 5:30 in the evening.

Winter weather in Austin can in no way be described as harsh when compared to other cities. Daytime temperatures are rarely below freezing temperature. They may however drop to freezing levels during the night. January is the coldest month with low thermometer readings of around 6 degree Celsius. It is very rare to witness snow in this city during the winter season. Severe snowstorms are also not common although there was one that occurred almost two years ago. This ice storm left most roads frozen for more than 48hours. A moderate breeze always cools the city with the speed of the wind not beyond 6m/s.

Spring Season In Austin, Texas

Spring season is an improvement of the winter season. The sky above the city is still overcast with average cloud cover of 51%. The month of April experiences the fewest sunshine hours due to the clouds. High levels of precipitation are also encountered with moderate rainfall observed. May receives the highest amount of rainfall compared to the other months. The rainfall is usually accompanied by severe thunderstorm. In rare seasons, tornadoes are encountered during spring. The season also experiences moderate breezes during the season with wind speeds not exceeding 6m/s.

Weather conditions in Austin city are not known to change frequently without warning. Most weather conditions experienced are as predicted. However, it is possible to have conditions that are not included in the general weather conditions stated above. These conditions are not very likely but when they occur, it is always safe to be prepared in advance. A person visiting the city is therefore advised that they check the daily weather reports. These reports give the detailed weather forecast that is expected for each part of the day. The reports can be easily accessed through the internet by visiting sites that record weather forecast.



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